Again - a long time between posts - sorry about that but life has been busy.
Mid last week I got a muscle spasm in my back which meant no picking up Benson for a couple of days, some good painkillers and a couple of trips to the physio. Luckily it all came good in only three days.
Gary has now just about finished all of the work to take the bounce out of the floor at the front of the house. Luckily for him, wonderful wonderful Steve gave up two of his Saturdays to help out. A BIG THANKS to Steve. They both worked so hard and were knackered at the end of the day.
On Sunday morning (very bright and early I might add) we got up and rode into Wollongong to have breakfast. I think that it is 12km or so basically along the beach. Great ride going in but I got a bit tired half way home. You have to remember that this is only my second time on a bike in around 17 years!!!
Sunday afternoon Benson slept for 4.5 hours - must have tired him out with the ride! When he got up we went out the front to play and got some amazing photos which are the ones featured in this posting. The light was just sooo perfect. I can't wait to get these printed so that I can scrap them.
Talking of scrapping, I have been busy working on stuff for classes for A2S (hello to anyone from A2S having a look at this). Lots of great class samples are now in the store, including a funky little mini album with the 10 things that I love about Benson. I have also posted my application for the For Keeps Elite Team - which is very exciting for scrapbookers! I have also been submitting a number of layouts for submission calls. I will let you know if I have any success. What takes up a lot of my scrapbooking time at the moment is the Everyday Moment Competition that is also being run by For Keeps. Four Layouts a month on top of other commitments is keeping me on my toes. I am really enjoying the process though - it is stretching me creatively.
Anyway - that is probably it for now. Not terribly exciting I know, but this is my life.