We have just finished our 6 week challenge at Contours and I had set a goal of 10kg weight loss. I knew that this was a big goal, but I felt if I worked hard at it I could achieve it. Well I am pleased to say that today I weighed in 9.9kgs lighter than my first weigh in! I was stoked. Watching what I ate (not starving myself) and exercising hard paid off. Total weight loss is now 45kg so getting close to my next goal of 50kgs (and my iPad which is my reward at 50kgs).
Things kids say. In the car driving home from the gym this morning and it was on the news that in America a juvenile can be jailed for life with no parole for murder (excuse me if I am a little wrong on this). So this prompted a discussion about life in jail and what this would mean. I said to Benson that the worst part would never being able to fall in love, get married and have a family - as that is the most amazing thing to experience (deep and meaningful there from Mummy). Benson announced "no Mum, having a day off school is the best thing ever!". Obviously a day off due to teacher strikes tops the cake when you are 6!!!
A layout ...
Feels good to be back bloggin again - this is going to become a habit!
Kim xxx
PS - got to go and pull a baked cheesecake out of the oven - YUM (Donna Hay Salted Caramel)