I love this range - and I think it is great that American Crafts have decided to highlight by having a blog hop around the DT blogs.
This is a layout that I did using Abode - everything is from the new Abode range of papers and embellishments - isn't that chipboard word divine!
and some detail shots:
And I have used one of the dimensional stickers to create a little picture to hang in the top right hand corner!
There is LOTS more inspiration to be had today at the various DT members blogs, so I encourage you to travel around and check them out!
ko - www.mooner363.typepad.com
kathy thompson - www.kathythompsonlaffoley.typepad.com
katrina simeck - www.katyat34.typepad.com
melanie louette - www.melanie-notesfromhome.blogspot.com
piradee talvanna - www.piradee.blogspot.com
loredana bucaria - www.lovescraplife.typepad.com
martha bonneau - www.mugsyboo.typepad.com
nichole duenke - www.nicholew.typepad.com
shannon zickel - www.shannonzickel.typepad.com
beth proudfoot - www.bethproudfoot.blogspot.com
paige evans - www.chrisandpaige.blogspot.com
wendy sue anderson - www.wendysueanderson.blogspot.com
doris sander - www.sanderdk.typepad.com
mary jo johnston - www.maryjojohnston.blogspot.com
elizabeth carney - www.itsmythingy.blogspot.com
dusti nakamura - www.acupcakelife.blogspot.com
kim watson - www.kj-starre.blogspot.com
holly hanks - www.hollyscharmedlife.blogspot.com
danielle layton - www.vtpuggirl.blogspot.com
kelly purkey - www.kellypurkey.typepad.com
amy tan - www.amytangerine.blogspot.com/
If you are a newbie to my blog, thanks for dropping by, hope to see you again soon! ... and a big hello to all my regular visitors.
Kim :o)